XELA® is a hyaluronic dermal wrinkle filler – sterile, biodegradable, non-animal. It is long-lasting, but not permanent, and slowly spreads underneath the skin to give it a smooth and natural look. It is monophasic, which ensures perfect smoothness of the gel. Products give natural and long-lasting effects, enduring from 6 to 12 months.
XELA® products fulfills the highest quality standards and is characterised by absolute safety. XELA® contains reticulating agent residuals below the detection limit (BDDE <0,0001%).
No Lidocaine – 0% risk of sensitivity response.
Balance of Hyaluronic Acid concentration and cross linking for minimal surrounding tissue pressure and granuloma formation.
The benefits of application XELA® Revive is:
- minimized the risk of inflammation, erythema and edema,
- minimal risk of sensitization,
- no effect Tyndall,
- homogeneous structure, capable of giving through catheters and needles of different diameter,
- easy application, despite the high degree of crosslinking,
- a high degree of integration with the tissues,
- opportunity to use in different areas,
- formulation flexibility and plasticity.
XELA® Revive administered intradermally – linear and / or deposits.
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